quinta-feira, 29 de novembro de 2018


Tá ok, estou mandando uma mensagem pras minhas primeiras cobaias pra nos organizarmos. Se você é um passante ignore xD Eu só gosto mesmo de escrever na tela do blog e que se exploda o mundo!

Oooi, tudo bem?
Você é uma das 10 cobaias que escolhi pra fazer minhas primeiras tattoos pré-profissionais! Irra!

Vou fazer alguns designs aleatórios e passar pra vocês escolherem um cada (em menos de uma semana). Pode pedir alguma alteraçãozinha que é susse!
Também aceito sugestões caso você tenha interesse por algum tema. Por exemplo, pra May vou fazer um caranguejo por causa do signo dela que é de câncer, pra Yo um pássaro pq ela é vet e tá inspirada neles, pra Rilo um veado pq é o "signo" xamânico dela. Quero fazer florais, figuras femininas, alguns escritos, ... No que você pira?

Como estou começando ainda e pretendo me profissionalizar, não estou trabalhando em outro lugar D: (socorro, sério? sério), então estou pedindo o valor dos materiais pra eu poder continuar comprando equipamentos e investindo no meu "estúdio". Esse valor é de 30 taokeis! Tá ok?

E lembre-se de que ainda não posso garantir um resultado 100%, mas posso fazer retoques quando melhorar um pouco caso alguma coisa fique meio "fora"! Por este mesmo motivo recomendo que escolha um lugar um pouco mais discreto, nada como antebraço ou ombros ainda :*)

Que mais...?

Ah, duas pessoas me disseram q eu tenho a mão leve, então não vou tuchar a agulha na sua pele - você vai sobreviver!

Eu gostaria de fazer todas estas 10 tatuagens antes do meio de dezembro porque estou muito ansiosa pra ficar foda logo, hehe, então me conta - que dias e horários você tem disponíveis pra passar umas 3 horas comigo?

Se você concordar com tudo isso e quiser prosseguir vem conversar comigo ^^
Se desistir por qualquer motivo me avisa pra eu poder encaixar outra cobaia!

Muito obrigada pelo interesse e confiança em mim desde já! <3 p="">

~Fer Camacho

sexta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2018

Third Tattoo

Hi! Here I am posting again sooner than I'd expected just because I'm super excited about my third tattoo ever that I made today and the very first one I'v actually made on someone ELSE -- sooooo, a super responsibility there and I (almost) nailed it!

I still made some mistakes with the bold lining... Also I made the stencil a bit crooked and I forgot the two upper arms of the poor beetle so I had to freehand it with a sharpie - hey, HOW 'BOUT THAT?

I only achieved the whole of it in a Buddhist calmness (say what?) because I had a professional tattooer supervising my moves and giving me some advises on what to do next, how to do this or that... So it turned out a lot better than my first two! I also had the opportunity to use his supplies - SO GOOD! He has an amazing machine, a great power source, awesome inks and calming products for the skin... He was very kind to have helped me through this process! I really needed this experience of tattooing with someone watching over me even if it scared me into cold sweats hahaha

So... This was my experience today and I feel like I grew a fuck load. I really like the result and the client loved it too!

This is it for today! In two days I'll be in an expo, I'll talk about it then! xxx

~Fer Camacho

quinta-feira, 22 de novembro de 2018

Nearly 4 years later, where am I?

Dudes and dudettes,

What has happened to me? -- I'm not nourishing any hopes of this blog still getting any hits at all, let it be clear that I'm completely aware of that and... This is mostly just me talking to myself and I love it. It's fine! The age of blogs has given way to the age of youtube, tiktok and instagram videos and what have ya.
It's fine. It is ^^ But if there is someone else here I'm very happy for it and welcomeeee!

I had the urge to post something here again just like I had every other time something major happened in my life... - I figure it's a pattern, right, looking back in nostalgia every time you take a big leap forward? Well, for me it is at least.

I've been gone for almost 4 years from this blog now... And every time I come back here to read or find some specific image or date for something I feel a flood of love... The love I put into here, you know? It's almost like a diary or a love letter to my future self, really... And even if I read the same letter a load of times I'm always gonna feel that love. It's something beautiful and I really recommend you do something like this to practise your writing or your English/other language skills!

Anyway... I've worked at a hotel for two years at the end of which I was nearly turned to dust, so I quit. On the same week I was called to work at an advertisement agency and I stayed there for a whole year! I was fired from that one but I got lucky because I was a couple of days from quitting as well - it had been a good job in the beginning, but seeing as they had hired me as an artist to create beautiful things and after a couple of months they had me doing simple (tasteless) Facebook art for our clients I was getting super fed up with it all. I was in repeat mode and it bored me to no end.

A sketch from Bobby Chiu my friend Ju got me a while back!

Now I have taken on tattooing. ABOUT F*CKING TIME, ISN'T IT?

Yeah, bout f*cking time. So I went to see a friend in Curitiba... She gave me an old tattooing machine of hers that she didn't need anymore and a power source as well... And she showed me how everything worked actually tattooing me for my first time ever! It was so nice, she's such a sweet person and incredibly talented at what she does as well! And... So I had my first tattoo and the basic (and more expensive) supplies too.
I bought the other things I needed after I came back to my city and after a few of days of practising on fake skins and gathering my strength I tattooed my own lower leg and it was... Horrid. Hahahah... 

This is the first day, before the ink spread out underneath the skin :(

Yeah... Turns out I wasn't as good at it right from the start as I thought I'd be and it bummed me out a lot! I know that everyone's first tattoo is bound to be an ugly a*s thing and I shouldn't have expected mine to be any different but... We're vain and arrogant sometimes, aren't we?

I blew the lines (not sure how one would call that in proper terms in English but I don't feel much in the mood to look it up right now) because I was SO f*cking nervous to be tattooing my own freaking leg for-ever, I was sweating bullets and I just... RIPPED my skin so deep right in the first line and it's all messed up now. I'm still waiting for it to heal so I can adapt the drawing and thicken the lines as for it to seem intentional, hahahaha

Now two nights ago I tattooed another bit on my leg... Hahahhaha... Cause even though I have willing guinea pigs to tattoo I couldn't bear to make an atrocious tattoo on someone else... So I decided to sacrifice another part of my leg for the sake of my skills. So... I got to make other mistakes, new ones! And repeated a bit of the old one too but it's definitely an improvement...
I'll make it clear - I will fix this one too as soon as it heals properly because I'm an insufferable perfectionist and an as*hole about what I draw and ... From an unfortunate lack of skill in tuning the tattoo machine I had a jumping needle and thus quivering lines which just won't do. I can do better than this!!!!

I'm illustrating this entry for my future self to enjoy the evolution that will definitely come. IT'S SAD. Please pretend you didn't see this.

So... Please don't judge if you're by any chance someone other than myself. This is my beginning. Still, I hope you enjoyed this focused update on the art aspect of my life! I haven't told you about a couple of the expos I've joined this year and of the one I will take part on this weekend (yay) but I'll do that soon! ^^

I've just realised I only posted traditional art so far so here goes a self portrait in vector art I created with Illustrator and portraits of some ladies on the internet I made in Krita!

Go check my Instagram and follow for more frequent updates ^^

Oh dear god, I'd almost forgotten how much I love writing on here!!!!!

See ya, good night!

~Fer Camacho