sexta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2018

Third Tattoo

Hi! Here I am posting again sooner than I'd expected just because I'm super excited about my third tattoo ever that I made today and the very first one I'v actually made on someone ELSE -- sooooo, a super responsibility there and I (almost) nailed it!

I still made some mistakes with the bold lining... Also I made the stencil a bit crooked and I forgot the two upper arms of the poor beetle so I had to freehand it with a sharpie - hey, HOW 'BOUT THAT?

I only achieved the whole of it in a Buddhist calmness (say what?) because I had a professional tattooer supervising my moves and giving me some advises on what to do next, how to do this or that... So it turned out a lot better than my first two! I also had the opportunity to use his supplies - SO GOOD! He has an amazing machine, a great power source, awesome inks and calming products for the skin... He was very kind to have helped me through this process! I really needed this experience of tattooing with someone watching over me even if it scared me into cold sweats hahaha

So... This was my experience today and I feel like I grew a fuck load. I really like the result and the client loved it too!

This is it for today! In two days I'll be in an expo, I'll talk about it then! xxx

~Fer Camacho

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